Monday, 14 September 2015

Day 6 - Period 1 - Grade 12 Religion - Tues. Sept. 15

Today's Focus

Being the hands of charity

Today the class will be doing some service work at Canadian Food For Children (CFFC) founded by Dr. Simone.

Students are to meet in period 1 at the regular time.

Uniform not required.  Wear comfortable clothing and closed toe footwear.

We will be moving/lifting/sorting donations from the warehouse into freight bins.

- Return bus fare
- Lunch

We will be returning to school before the end of period 4.


  1. Watch this video: Who is Dr. Andrew Simone?
  2. Write a positive comment under the video commenting on the work on Dr. Simone
  3. Write a comment at the end of this blog post. Make sure to answer these questions within your comment:
    • What did you learn today?
    • How did it feel to help people that you will never meet?
    • How can you continue to support Dr. Simone's work?


  1. Today I learned that it takes a lot of time, money, manpower and effort to help those in need. Fortunately, all of this work pays off because you benefit people in dire need of the supplies you're donating. It felt amazing to help out today, and although I'll never meet the people who receive the donations, I still feel proud of all the work we did. I'll continue to support Dr. Simone's work by donating some of my clothes that I don't wear anymore to his warehouse!

    -Maddie N.

  2. I learned that there are so many children in our world that are less fortunate than we are for reasons only God can explain. I learned that there are so many people who help those less fortunate on a continual basis. I feel that God works through his creations and Dr. Simone is a person who took things upon himself to carry out God's work. It felt great helping someone that I didn't know today because I felt that I was carrying out God's work during my time in the warehouse. I feel that because I have been blessed to live in a 1rst World Country it is my Catholic duty to help those in need. I will continue to donate clothes, books and other useful household items to Dr. Simone's warehouse and hopefully in the future volunteer again to help those who already work so hard.
    I had a great time helping others and would do it again hands down
    -Malik Metivier #Alllivesmatter

  3. It makes me sad to see how many people out there are suffering in the world. I had learned today that at least 200,000 children a day die from starvation in developing countries and often times, it goes unnoticed. I'm so grateful that as a community, we ourselves have somewhat adopted these for today children as our own in a sense that we have put in the time and effort to support them. Although we did simple tasks such as loading trucks, sorting clothes and putting mail together, today has taught me that however small the act is, it makes a difference. I'm proud to know that our efforts today will benefit children in need. Despite not knowing the people on the other side of where this package will go, and vice versa, it makes me happy to think that they will be satisfied if not happy due to the effort we had made today.

    I will definitely come back as I had a great time, and I will help out as much as I possibly can.

    - Chelsea Siscar

  4. I learned that helping others kindles happiness. It troubles me to think that there are so many less fortunate people in this world, but it also amazes me how they are so grateful for the stuff we consider "little things." I learned that it takes a lot of time and effort to support the people in need, and it takes a strong human being to do what Dr Simone did/does, as well as all the volunteers that help out consistently. It felt amazing to help out people that I do not even know. The feeling that I can shape someone's life for the better is unexplainable. Having six kids in my house, we are regularly growing out of our clothes and buying new ones. My family already donates to Canadian Food for Children, therefore to further our support we will continue donating, and telling others about the foundation. I did enjoy my time working, and will definitely come back.

    -Karina Bonnick

  5. Today I learned that 25,000 Kids die every day of hunger. I learned that even though we don't know the people on the other side of the crates, God knows them and God knows us so we should do our best to show him we care about each other. It felt amazing to know we did something so small but yet to someone it is something really big. I know for a fact that the people on the other side will be so thankful for what we did but for me this wasn't enough, if someone could dedicate there life to this then Dr.Simone is truly some special. I can continue by donating clothes and food but also try and spending time there. I loved the atmosphere the people volunteering there give, it so motivation and it helps you work better knowing your doing the right thing. I have been going to Canadian Food For Children ever sine I went in grade 6 with my teacher and to say that I'm still going 6 years later makes me feel I'm doing something right.

    I will definitely go again sometime this year

    - Jacob Mendoza Cuadra

  6. Today was a heart warming day. I learned that it takes about $3000-4000 to ship just one container. That's a lot of money but the lives it's helping are priceless. I find it striking that what I consider old and garbage someone else can consider it new and lifesaving. Every single item counts whether it's a soccer ball or a t-shirt. Everything has a use especially for the families living in poverty. It felt so good to help even though I'll never see the people I met. It makes me happy that in 8 weeks someone will unpack that box and smile when they see what's in it. Someone will be really great full for the binders and pencils I got to pack today. It's such a little action but has such a big impact. That's one less poor child and that's one more child who has the opportunity to learn and have real school supplies. I can help Dr. Simone by spreading word about him and what he does. Since donations were low on the summer I can ask my friends and family to donate some of the things they don't need anymore to make up for the lost time. I can even come back and help the great volunteers who give away their time for this great cause!

  7. Today I learned that I should take the time to appreciate everything that I have, as I am fortunate enough to be granted daily luxuries, most of which I don't even notice. After today's visit to the Canadian Food for Children warehouse I am able to fathom just how extremely lucky I am. It felt absolutely surreal knowing that I was somehow able to help people that I will never meet. It was certainly an eye-opener and was able to change my perspective regarding where I stood in existence and how small my burdens are in comparison to that of other's. I can continue to help Dr. Simone's work by donating to CFFC as well as volunteering whenever possible. I could also get friends and family involved by sharing his story with them. What began as a simple day trip had a massive impact on me, and I am so incredibly grateful for this wondrous experience.

  8. Today I unfortunately learned that over twenty five thousand kids die each day due to hunger. Fortunately I learned that Doctor. Simone is trying his best to reduce that number. He and his wife have been working hard to give food and necessities which are essential to survival each day to children in need. It made me feel somewhat relieved that I am helping those in need but also guilty. I know I am not doing nearly enough to help those in needs but Tuesday was a good start. I can help the wonderful charity by donating things I do not need and by spreading the great work of Dr.Simone.

    -Tim Vince

  9. Being able to be apart of this amazing experience to go visit Dr. Simone's warehouse and being able to help put really opened my eyes. To find out that 25,000 kids die each day because of hunger really shows that we need to make a difference. I find it amazing that one child can look at a piece of old clothing and be the happiest person, as us here think of it as an old piece of trash. Seeing all the things that people donate to this charity really made me think that there are a lot of people here that want to make a difference, even if it is by donating just one pair of shoes, or an old toy they don't use. This charity takes a lot of hard work and dedication, as well as time and planning. Which was definitely proved on our visit there. Personally, the fact that I don't know these children makes me feel really good inside because when that bin is shipped and reaches where it needs to be and in our case, Zambia, the smiles on everyone's face is going to be astonishing. Even though we don't see those smiles, we know they happened and its a great feeling to know that you made someone else extremely happy by even little gestures. I knew Dr. Simone personally as he used to be my dermatologist, and to hear some amazing stories he had to share as well as being able to see where he lives and how little he has was very interesting. He has many adopted children and him and his wife only have what they need to keep them and there children happy and well, in that house materialistic items were definitely not important, and its amazing to see that. I will be sure to visit Dr. Simone's warehouse again and try my best to give donations when I can. It was a great experience and I was happy that I attended.

  10. I learned today how lucky we are to live in the country we live in. We have easy access to not only our basic needs to survive but luxuries as well while there are people all over the world who don't even have the basic necessities required to sustain life. To help people I will never meet was an indescribable feeling but an oddly satisfying feeling as well. I can continue to support Dr. Simone's work by donating when I can as well as volunteering my time to help.

    -Enrique Trinidad

  11. I learned so many new values and that its important to help Canadian Food For Children. I learned that we are lucky and privileged to live in a wealthy family. It taught me that I should try to help others less fortunate to help ease the pain of poverty they are going through. I also felt the satisfaction of helping poor people across the world. I will never forget the experience at Canadian Food For Children .
    ~ Aidan Harju

  12. I learned today that things like clothes, old toys ,and basic necessities, that we don't give a second thought about are need in places where they have nothing. Sadly, 250 000 kids die each year so they will never be able to take for granted the privileges that I have. Even if I help, I will never know who those kids are who have died and have not been able to receive our dnations. But I can help the ones who are still alive. Mr. Consul once told me, "You don't know the kid that you are helping and he will never know you but, God knows you and God knows Him". I think of the kids who are still alive because I helped and the time I helped is good enough for me. If I could donate to CFFC I would my time because from the experience I noticed most of the volunteers are seniors iand with my youth I have time to donate.

  13. This is a different experience for me. I realized there are plenty of children need our help. Although our life is colorful, there are still have people stay in hunger. We went to Dr Simone's warehouse to do some volunteer work. I was in the mailing section, we need to prepare some charity newsletter. These letter will send to people, they spread the information about hunger children. Sending these letter for let more people know and want to get their help. The man told us there are thousand of volunteers from different schools, companies and individuals, with chapters in British Columbia, Calgary and Montreal. Through this experience, I want to do more charity work when I have free time. I want to help more people and make them smile.

  14. On September 15, I learned that dedicating your time to seemingly small tasks like donating food and gently used items, putting postage on envelopes containing the CFFC newsletter, or helping to fill a shipping container can make a huge difference in the lives of people in need. Although the container we helped to send will be travelling all the way across the world to Zambia, our individual actions will help provide children/families in poverty with non-perishable food, clothing, and household items that they desperately need.
    It was an incredible experience to be able to volunteer at such a worthwhile charitable organization, and I hope to continue to help CFFC by donating items with my family and giving my time to volunteer at the warehouse whenever I have the opportunity.

  15. On September 15th, I learned that 25,000 children die of starvation everyday. I find it heartbreaking to know that so many children go hungry each day. That is why helping out at CFFC was very important to me. Just by stuffing envelopes, filling the shipment container, and donating canned goods and clothes, we can save so many lives. I never realized how volunteering in my own community could positively impact the lives of those around the world. My family and I will continue to support CFFC by donating non-perishable food and volunteering.

  16. On September 15th, I learned that 25,000 children die of starvation everyday. I find it heartbreaking to know that so many children go hungry each day. That is why helping out at CFFC was very important to me. Just by stuffing envelopes, filling the shipment container, and donating canned goods and clothes, we can save so many lives. I never realized how volunteering in my own community could positively impact the lives of those around the world. My family and I will continue to support CFFC by donating non-perishable food and volunteering.

  17. On September 15th 2015 I learned how much a small donation can mean. Things we take for granted here are treasured by those in other countries. To know that what we think of as a little donation could help someone so much is stunning. To know that 25,000 children die from starvation a day hurts, but the knowledge that what I did that day helped to save someones life was uplifting. I can support this charity by volunteering at the warehouse and by donating items to the cause.
    -Ashia Shaw

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  19. During this time at Canadian Food For Children founded by Dr. Simone, I learned about patience, understanding, and that 25 000 children die of starvation everyday. Being offered to have this experience helping the less fortunate was not only interesting but very eye opening. It helped me understand the patience and organization you need to have while providing the poor with basic essentials they need in life. It opened my eyes to know and realize how lucky I am to be living in Canada and having a family that supports me, teachers who teach me, and enough money to fulfill my basic needs in life such as food, water and a shelter. Knowing that I helped people who I never met before seemed fine to me because also knowing that I contributed to help save someone's life is enough for me to put a smile on my face. Moving forward, I can help this charity grow and support it by donating money or even volunteering at the warehouse because knowing I made a difference that day is a feeling I want to have everyday.

  20. What i learned that day was what goes on behind the scenes of helping those in need in other countries, the people who dedicate hours of their day to give these starving children in other countries the supplies they need are truly inspiring. The time spent working there made me feel like i was making a difference, listening to how many children are suffering in other countries really made me understand how fortunate i am for living in the country i do and how many of these children would kill to have the things i take for granted everyday. I believe that more people should volunteer for Dr.Simone's cause even if they give one hour of their day and dedicate it to helping others it will be a great contribution to a noble cause.

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  22. what I learned is that there are many others in the world who suffer daily from hunger and dehydration and if people just took an hour of their day with a couple of friends to help others the world can be a much better place. also i learned is that alot of people give so much work behind the scenes and i believe more people should volunteer at their local food bank and make a difference in everyone's life.

  23. although i did not go on the trip, people from the class told what happened and i learned that any donation is helpful and can help many people. I learned that way too many kids die everyday of starvation and by donating we can help keep many kids alive. helping people you will never meet feels amazing because you know you aren't doing it so you can get something back from the other person. I can continue to help his work by donating to his charity throughout the year.
