Monday, 14 September 2015

Day 6 - Period 4 - Grade 12 Religion - Tues. Sept. 15

**Note: Mr. Consul is away today attending a service trip with his period 1 grade 12 religion class to Canadian Food For Children.

Today's Focus

  • Ethics and morality

  1. Re-watch yesterday's video on SILENT (if needed) on Ethics and Morality
    • Write down every quote you missed on your "Quotes" sheet
  2. Post a comment on Youtube under the video clip.
    • Start your comment with, "My favourite quote is....." (write in your favourite quote, nothing else is needed)
  3. Use a new sheet of paper (name, date, title: Reflection #1)
    **You have the option of emailing your assignment if you choose (
    • Pick one quote from the video
    • In your own words, what does this quote mean?
    • How does this quote relate to moral decision making?
    • How does this quote relate to your life?
    • Retell a story (personal or a story you heard about) that relates to this quote
  4. Go to our class page
    • Click every link to see if it works for you (Table of contents, definitions, online work)
    • Write a comment on our class page about what you think or like about our class/grade 12 religion so far
  5. Feel free to use the computer to do any other work if you've completed all the tasks above

  • None

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